Energy360 Joins Biogas Taskforce
Energy 360 is now a member of Bioenergy Australia’s recently created Biogas Taskforce. We have been a member of Bioenergy Australia (BA) for a number of years, helping to encourage the development, and raise the profile of, bioenergy in Australia and we are excited to become a member of this Taskforce.
The Biogas Taskforce has been set up to advise BA on everything relating to the biogas industry in Australia, and specifically to assist in reaching a better level of understanding, uptake and engagement relating to biogas opportunities in Australia. BA defines biogas as a bioenergy source produced from the anaerobic digestion of organic waste, including landfill gas capture.[i]
Energy360 joins Biogas taskforce
This is particularly auspicious given the current climate surrounding Australia’s waste management and energy generation (see our previous blog on recycling in Australia posted in March). It certainly seems as though the conversation is taking an encouraging turn towards longer term as opposed to short term strategies in both these areas. ABC News reported at the end of last week, that Ipswich City Council, west of Brisbane intended to reverse its decision to send recycling to landfill, by appointing a short term recycling contractor, with Ipswich Mayor Andrew Antoniolli going on to say that the council has “always been intent on calling tenders for waste-to-energy projects in this city, and we’re on the front foot when tackling the issue of waste management”.[ii]
Bioenergy plants are widespread in Europe and the United States and can generate several energy outputs, including electricity, steam for industrial processes, and heating. They use residual organic waste which cannot be recycled in an environmentally or economically beneficial way, and convert it to beneficial and environmentally friendly energy. They are therefore valuable local sources of reliable, climate friendly energy, substituting fossil fuels and contributing to the country’s energy self-sufficiency.
Energy 360 joins biogas taskforce:
Together with its strategic partners, Energy360 has the technology to treat waste streams and landfill gas to produce biogas for energy generation, and we look forward to further contributing to the uptake of these biogas opportunities.
[i] Biogas Taskforce Terms of Reference
[ii] ABC News, 20 April 2018