Pyronics burners and combustion equipment
Energy360 distributes ESA Pyronics burners and combustion equipment.
Esa Pyronics specialises in combustion systems for the metallurgic, ceramic, food, packaging, textile, glass and chemical industries. It produces burners, adjusting, measuring and control devices, safety systems and components for industrial combustion systems. ESA Pyronics also produce a range of technically advanced electronic burner control equipment such as Estro microprocessor burner controller, Thermo gas and air gas ratio regular, flow rate and pressure transmitters, Multi zone serial controller and high sensibility probes.
Energy360 also have agencies for leading global suppliers of fuel-air combustion technology for industry, including a variety of high performance combustion components such as burners, valves, regulators, flame safeguards and more.
The burners’ performances described on the present technical documents has been verified during experimental tests realized at Esa-Pyronics International R&D Dept. The tests have been realized adopting Esa-Pyronics International equipments for flame ignition, detection and supervision. The respect of the overmentioned operating conditions cannot be warranted in case of adoption of equipments not present into the Esa-Pyronics International Catalogue.